I Desire to to Know You

It all the same makes me wonder why a Lawyer similar Saul now Paul would SEEK to know nothing apropos Constabulary every bit his Profession only rather to KNOW Him (Christ Jesus) and the power of His Resurrection and to felowship in His suffering. I don't know what your desires are, but this remains my prayers day and night. To know Him more and more than.

Seek to know Him.

John 20:eleven-17

11.> Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying. Equally she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb 12 and saw 2 angels in white, seated where Jesus' trunk had been, one at the caput and the other at the foot.

thirteen.They asked her, "Woman, why are yous crying?"
"They accept taken my Lord away," she said, "and I don't know where they take put him." 14 At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, simply she did non realize that it was Jesus.

fifteen.He asked her, "Adult female, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?"
Thinking he was the gardener, she said, "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where y'all have put him, and I will go him."

16.Jesus said to her, "Mary."
She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, "Rabboni!" (which means "Instructor").

17.Jesus said, "Do not concur on to me, for I take not even so ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am ascending to my Father and your Begetter, to my God and your God.'" NIV

The disciples were Apostles and good Christians, yet they knew not the Scripture. If you are afraid of what is happening in the world, you won't know Him, While the other disciples locked themselves upwardly for fright of beingness accused that they were the followers of Jesus,. Hateful while, a woman, a prostitute was waiting for the day to break so that she could become and come across Jesus.
Imagine Peter, the right manus man of Jesus while he was still live. Peter could not call up what Jesus had been saying to Him and other Disciples about His death. Even the Bible records that

ix.For every bit even so they knew non the scripture, that he must rise again from the dead.
10.Then the disciples went away again unto their ain home. KJV

Could this mean that Peter and the other disciples were just following Jesus but did non following Him with His words.?

O what a Glory, she was passionately waiting for the morning to break and then that she could visit the tomb. Information technology still surprises me how she on her own could tarry all nighttime long for this opportunity. For that night, her optics knew no slumber. She was anticipating what the scene would be similar when she gets to the tomb. While the other disciples were also awake but not because they wanted to visit the tomb but because they feared for their lives. Hence, they were really staying awake to stay alive. Only who can really keep watch over his or her life other than God Omnipotent? Well that a question to be answered another twenty-four hours.

When she actually left the firm, she was contemplating forth the way who was gonna whorl the stone at the entrance of the tomb fir her. Just she was shocked when she got close to observe that the tomb stone had been rolled away.

I only imagine how she would cartel to become inside the tomb all alone. Then the Spirit of God convinced me that it was because she needed to see Jesus. She SOUGHT to see Jesus once once more. So inside the tomb, she saw the linen used to wrap Jesus at the tomb yet she was non satisfied and rushed to tell other disciples.

Peter came and saw the linen and left but left with the other disciples cause to me I think that the linen apparel was plenty an evidence for Peter that Jesus had risen. But judge what? Mary did not go with them. She remained there because at that place was some more that she needed else from the linen cloths. And thank God for her, her passion quest was rewarded by the appearance of the two angles.

Love brethren, If y'all wanna know Jesus, close your door, off your phone and deny yourself of food. While waiting, she saw two angels seating past the tomb only she was still not satisfied.

When Jesus saw the quest and zeal of this adult female, He appeared to her and called on her, Mary and she responded Rabony meaning Master, she ran to impact Him simply He said stay put, go and tell Peter that I have resurrected and is live. Peter missed the bulletin that Christ would have delivered to him because of fearfulness. He was rather too wake to face the crowd later he had denied Jesus in the public right in forepart of Jesus.

And then dear brothers and Sisters, I use all of us to seek to know the DEEP things of the Kingdom. Imagine a woman being a vessel used by Jesus to deliver an club to His Disciples after his resurrection.

Imagine Mary being the first Human being and first female to see Jesus Christ later His RESURRECTION

Imagine beingness the first person to talk to Jesus later he had resurrected ?

Imagine being the first Human whom Jesus choosed to bear witness Himself to and also called her by name to know what her problem was?

Well, if you asked me, I would tell you that this wasn't a mere coincidence. It was a production of DILIGENT SEEKING and a PASSIONATE HEART that needed nothing more than having the experience. She did and was rewarded for her attempt and Desire

So are you ready to SEEK to Know Him?


Source: https://steemit.com/sc-g/@voclab/lord-my-desire-is-to-know-you-more-and-more-and-have-an-experiential-encounter-with-you

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